August 2024 Newsletter


Dear AWC Korea family,

I hope you are enjoying a peaceful and relaxing summer. Perhaps you’ve been able to reconnect with family and friends at “home,” to enjoy some downtime here in Seoul or even to watch some of the Olympics competitions so far.

As we head into August, our Events Committee is hard at work on a full slate of AWC Korea events for the fall. We will “kick off” again with a coffee morning on Aug. 21We’ll also gather for a happy hour on Aug. 30 (location to be announced). We're looking forward to both events!

August is an important time for AWC Korea membership renewals. If you joined us a year ago, please watch for a renewal email headed your way soon. (On a related note, if you received this newsletter from a friend and want to join in the fun — please reach out!)

Wherever you are, please take a moment to sit back, take a breath and enjoy it. I look forward to being in community with all of you again soon.


Betty Chung

AWC Korea President

photo of Betty Chung, AWC Korea President

AWC Korea Membership Renewals

We’re entering a new programming year! If you joined AWC Korea a year ago, it’s time to renew for access to our 2024-2025 events, offerings and emails.

To renew (or sign up), please fill out our membership form (yes, even for renewals) and send in your payment. Renewals completed this month will be valid until Aug. 31, 2025.

Please note: For quickest renewals, please put your name in the memo field of the bank transfer!

Renew Your Membership

Join an AWC Korea Committee!

We're looking for AWC Korea committee members! Want to have fun while volunteering with us? Our community values values energy, creativity and a commitment to excellence in event planning, communications and membership management.

To learn more or tell us you’re interested, email

Join A Committee

Please watch our social media channels (Facebook | Instagram) for updates on this month's events. You can also see full details and RSVP for each event in our members-only Facebook group:

21st | Coffee Morning — Anthracite Hannam

30th | Happy Hour — Location TBA

Check Out Upcoming Events

Partnerships and Sponsorships

Your AWC membership includes discounts to these local restaurants, shops and services. 

Visiting one of our partners? Tag them — and us — on Instagram:

Pro-tip: Keep a photo of your membership card on your phone, so it’s always handy.




This message was sent to you by AWC Korea. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time.