April 2024 Newsletter


Dear AWC Friends,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and spirits as we approach one of the best seasons in Korea: Springtime! Spring usually starts in March and lasts until May or early June. The search for cherry blossoms during this season is a popular springtime event. 

In March, during Women’s Herstory Month, we hosted our International Women’s Day event at Korea University Business School. We learned from a panel of female thought leaders who highlighted issues of sustainability, the power of networking and the challenges that women face. The day offered a fruitful exchange of learning amongst participants. 

As part of the Women’s Day event, many AWC and community members volunteered to mentor students from Korea University’s Global MBA program. The initial feedback I’ve received from the MBA students has been overwhelmingly positive. They’ve expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation to the mentors. 

We’ve heard requests from AWC members to create more evening and weekend events, outside of weekday working hours. With that in mind, for April we’ve included a weekend happy hour dinner at one of our new partners, Jing Guan Cheng Hot PotSaturday mindfulness classand a weekend tea-tasting and brewing class. Other events this month include a coffee morning and walk around Seokchon Lake, as well as a K-Hat Walk to represent Korea in the World Hat Walk.

We welcome any other good suggestions and feedback from our members for upcoming events. And if you’d like to get involved in hosting a tour or event, we’d love to have you! Just reach out via email. You can RSVP for our upcoming events via the Facebook Group (or reach out here if you’re not on Facebook). 

Looking forward to seeing you at one of our events.


Betty Chung

AWC Korea President

photo of Betty Chung, AWC Korea President

See full details and RSVP for each event in our members-only Facebook group:

3rd | Coffee Morning & Seokchon Lake Walk

7th | K-Hat Walk

9th | “100 Thimbles in a Box” — A Conversation with Authors Debbi Kent & Joan Suwalsky

12th | Karaoke Night

16th | Book Club: “Flawless” by Elise Hu

17th | Quilting Class

18th | Camarata Singing Lesson

20th | Hotpot Happy Hour

27th | Mindfulness with Rachel

28th | Tea-Tasting and Brewing Class

RSVP for Events

March Recaps

We had an eventful March, from our International Women's Day event to this past weekend's happy hour. We're so grateful we could connect with you!


A reminder to please communicate ASAP if you're unable to attend an event you've signed up for. This small but significant act of consideration helps us better manage resources, provides opportunities for others and shows respect for the time and efforts of the event planners.


See more photos and recaps on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

See More Photos

Partnerships and Sponsorships

Your AWC membership includes discounts to these local restaurants, shops and services. 

Visiting one of our amazing partners? Tag them — and us — on Instagram:

Pro-tip: Keep a photo of your membership card on your phone, so it’s always handy.


 🌐 awckorea.com

✉️ awc.korea.seoul@gmail.com

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